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您当前位置:康强医疗人才网 > 上海医院招聘 > 上海医院招聘 > 上海和睦家医院招聘
经验要求: 未写
年龄要求: 不限 学历要求:不限
薪酬范围: 面议 岗位性质: 全职
工作地点: 上海 上海市 长宁区 周休:未写
负 责 人: 人事 在线聊
地  址: 上海市长宁区上海和睦家医院  地图/导航
好单位 我推荐
性质: 民营,外企/合资  成立日期: 暂无填写年  员工人数: 101-500人

United Family Hospitals & Clinics is a pioneering, international standard healthcare organization in China, our sole mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated healthcare services in a uniquely warm and caring patient and family service-oriented environment.

About Our Hospital

Shanghai United Family Hospital (SHU) is a purpose built, full service, internationally accredited facility that offers highly qualified medical staff from around the world and direct billing to over 20 Global Insurance Companies. A joint venture between Chindex international Inc. (a NASDAQ listed company) and the Shanghai Changning Central District Hospital, SHU opened its doors December 1, 2004.

SHU has international accreditation from Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA), making us the only hospital in Shanghai to achieve this honor. It represents our ongoing commitment to the highest standards of excellence in healthcare. Being accredited by JCI means that SHU is ranked among the top hospitals in the world, and our patients are assured the very best in care and safety.

The international staff of senior physicians and local specialists at SHU are selected based not only on the excellence of their training and professional expertise but also on their comparison, empathy and a genuine interest in working in a multi-cultural environment. In addition to our highly qualified medical team, SHU also has excellent working relationships with medical professors and consultants at the local teaching hospitals. This allows SHU to arrange (at short notice) a full range of specialist consultants if necessary.

About Our Pu Dong Facility

Huashan Pudong Hospital International Division combines the international quality healthcare of United Family Healthcare with the best medical specialties of Huashan Hospital. This state-of-the-art facility is wholly managed by United Family Healthcare and operates according to our high standards. The International Division is conveniently located at the heart of the Biyun international community in Jinqiao, Pudong.

Our Mission

United Family Hospitals and Clinics (UFH) is a pioneering, international standard healthcare organization in China, whose sole mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated healthcare services in a uniquely warm and caring patient and family service-oriented environment.

What choose UFH

A culture fuelled by motivated, talented people
A challenging, multi-cultural and English-speaking working environment
A comprehensive suite of benefits that provide secure and safe packages for employees
The chance to make a difference - each and every day
A platform to offer various training and development opportunities

Delivering exceptional care to our patients starts with us hiring and developing exceptional people. If you are seeking opportunities to join a challenging, dynamic and constantly changing environment, are interested in the passion and sense of pride that the United Healthcare environment offers, then search our open positions and put your application in now!




上海和睦家医院已获得国际医院联合认证委员会(JCIA)的国际认证,成为目前上海地区获此殊荣的医院。这代表为患者提供高等级卫生保健服务的不懈努力所获得的成就。 JCI 的认证表示和睦家医院已经屹立于世界--医院之林,从而患者获得佳的关怀和安全。



华山医院东院国际部地结合了和睦家医疗的国际医疗水准和华山医院的丰富医疗资源. 这个的医疗机构由和睦家医疗集团管理, 按照国际标准进行运营. 国际部位于浦东金桥碧云国际社区中心位置.


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