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您当前位置:康强医疗人才网 > 湖南医院招聘 > 长沙医院招聘 > 爱尔眼科医院集团股份有限公司招聘
经验要求: 不限
年龄要求: 不限 学历要求:本科
薪酬范围: 面议 岗位性质: 全职
工作地点: 湖南 长沙 天心区 周休:1.5天
负 责 人: 办公室 在线聊
地  址: 湖南省长沙市芙蓉中路二段198号新世纪大厦4楼  地图/导航
好单位 我推荐
性质: 民营  成立日期: 2003年  员工人数: 501-2000人
  •  周休1.5天
  • 五险住房公积金带薪年假定期体检

    爱尔眼科医院集团是知名全球连锁眼科医疗机构,IPO上市医疗机构(股票代码: 300015,2015年入选沪深300指数股)。截至2019年,已在中国大陆30个省市区建立300余家专业眼科医院,覆盖全国医保人口超过70%,年门诊量超过650 万人。并且,美国、欧洲和中国香港开设有80余家眼科医院

      Aier eye hospital group is a well-known global chain of eye hospitals, and is also China's first IPO listed medical institution (stock code: 300015, one of the CSI 300 index selected in 2015). As of 2019, Aier Eye Hospital Group has established more than 300 specialized eye hospitals covering 30 provinces and extended our services to 70% of insured population all over the country with over 6.5 million outpatient visits annually. Recently, There are more than 80 ophthalmic branches in the United States, Europe and Hongkong,China.


      Aier is committed to the parallel introduction and absorption of world-leading ophthalmic technology and management concept, with professionalism, scale and science as its strategy to advance the development of China's ophthalmic medical care.


      Base on constant exploration and practice, also with absorb advanced international medical management experience, Aier Eye Hospital Group has successfully established the "hierarchical chain" management model that adapts to China's market environment. Utilizing our advantages in talent, technology and management, we aim to provide the most trusted eye care to patients all over the country.


      In 2013, Aier and Central South University jointly set up Aier School of ophthalmology, CSU, to educate and train medical professionals with advanced degrees; Once again in 2014, Aier joined the Hubei University of Science and Technology to establish the Aier School of Ophthalmology & Optometry. In 2011 and 2015, Aier established the Aier Institute of Optometry and Aier Institute of Ophthalmology respectively. At this point, Aier has bridged all three areas of medicine, education and research, the establishment of these educational and research institutions will significantly boost our research and clinical standards.


      As of 2019, Aier has recruited and trained over 4000 doctors and specialized experts, many of whom have studied in elite institutions in Europe and the US. They are China’s driving force in ophthalmology.


      On July 9,2014, the President of the World Bank Jim Yong Kim visited Changsha Aier Eye Hospital and promoted Aier’s unique sustainable philanthropic model in developing countries. In 2015, Aier acquired Hong Kong Asia Medical Group and paved the way for Aier’s internationalization. In early 2017, Aier acquired a renowned eyecare center in American, which brought Aier’s international expansion to a new stage.


      Since its founding, Aier always committed to the mission, “Everyone in everywhere, we do care “. With its "cross subsidy" model, Aier provides patients with higher quality services, in the meantime dedicate itself to the social welfare and helping vulnerable groups to promote the cause of fighting blindness.

      随着中国医疗卫生体制改革的进一步推进,爱尔眼科顺应国家医疗卫生政策和发展趋势,于2014年在医疗行业推出“合伙人计划”,致力于改变眼科医生执业的生态环境,大限度地激发核心骨干的创造力和能动性。爱尔眼科专注于眼科医疗服务事业,预计到 2020年,兴建1000家具有竞争力的专业连锁眼科医院,为更多的人提供高质量、多层次的眼科医疗服务。

      In 2014, Aier launched the "Partnership Program" in the healthcare industry to focus on changing the ecological environment for ophthalmologists and maximizing the creativity and initiative of core members. It is expected that by the end of 2020, Aier will have 1000 eye hospitals which provide high quality and multi-level eye care to more people.

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  • 爱尔眼科医院集团股份有限公司
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